Vladimir Shakhov, Nikolai Shakhov, and Insoo Koo, " Novel Continuous-Time Markov Chain-Based Model for Performance Analysis of Hybrid Free Space Optics and Radio Frequency Communications", Applied Sciences, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 1935, February 2025
Toufiq Aziz and Insoo Koo, "A comprehensive Review of Indoor Localization Techniques and Applications in Various Sectors", Applied Sciences, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 1544, February 2025
Hafiza Zunera Abdul Sattar, Huma Ghafoor, and Insoo Koo, "Enhancing Heterogeneous Communication for Foggy Highways Using Vehicular Platoons and SDN", Sensors, vol. 25, no. 3, p. 696, January 2025
Miracle Udurume, Taewoong Hwang, Raihan Uddin, Toufiq Aziz, and Insoo Koo, "Developing a Fire Monitoring System Based on MQTT, ESP-NOW, and a REM in Industrial Environments", Applied Sciences, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 500, January 2025
Abid Afridi, Iqra Hameed, and Insoo Koo, "Quantum PSO-Based Optimization of Secured IRS-Assisted Wireless-Powered IoT Networks", Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 24, p. 11677, December 2024.
Rehan Khan, Umer Saeed, and Insoo Koo, "FedLSTM: A Federated Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks", Electronics, vol. 13, no. 24, p. 4907, December 2024.
Raihan Uddin, Taewoong Hwang, and Insoo Koo, "Worker Presence Monitoring in Complex Workplaces Using BLE Beacon-Assisted Multi-Hop IoT Networks Powered by ESP-NOW", Electronics, vol. 13, no. 21, p. 4201, October 2024.
Fatima Asif, Huma Ghafoor, and Insoo Koo, "Secure Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using Blockchain Technology in Smart Cities", Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 18, p. 8146, September 2024.
Md. Nazmul Hasan, Sana Ullah Jan, and Insoo Koo, "Sensor Fault Detection and Classification Using Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction with an Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Autoencoder", Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 17, p. 7717, September 2024.
Toufiq Aziz and Insoo Koo, "Enhancing Indoor Localization Accuracy through Multiple Access Point Deployment", Electronics, vol. 11, no. 16, p. 3307, August 2024.
Miracle Udurume, Vladimir Shakhov, and Insoo Koo, "Comparative Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory and Machine Learning Methods in Intrusion Detection Systems", Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 16, p. 6967, August 2024
Nouman Ijaz, Farhad Banoori, and Insoo Koo, "Reshaping Bioacoustics Event Detection: Leveraging Few-Shot Learning (FSL) with Transductive Inference and Data Augmentation", Bioengineering, vol. 11, no. 7, p. 685, July 2024.
Pham Viet Tuan, Vien Nguyen-Duy-Nhat, Mai T. P. Le, Hieu V. Nguyen, Vinh Anh Nghiem Quan, Pham Ngoc Son, and Insoo Koo, "Enhancing Energy Harvesting Efficiency for IRS-Aided TS-SWIPT Network with Practical Phase Shifts", Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST), Springer Link, vol. 595, p. 155-165, July 2024.
Huynh Thanh Thien, Anh-Tu Le, Bui Vu Minh, Lubos Rejfek, and Insoo Koo, "Performance Analysis of a Cognitive RIS-NOMA in Wireless Sensor Network", Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 13, p. 5865, July 2024.
Rehan Khan, Shafi Ullah Khan, Umer Saeed, and Insoo Koo, "Auscultation-Based Pulmonary Disease Detection through Parallel Transformation and Deep Learning", Bioengineering, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 586, June 2024.
Abid Afridi, Iqra Hameed, Carla E. Gracia, and Insoo Koo, "Throughput Maximization of Wireless Powered IoT Network With Hybrid NOMA-TDMA Scheme: A Genetic Algorithm Approach", IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 65241 - 65253, May 2024.
Muhammad Rafid, Huma Ghafoor, and Insoo Koo, "An SVM-Based Oprimal-Controller Selection and Path Selection Protocol for Heterogenous Communications in SDVNs", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Syatems, vol. 25, no. 5, p. 3828-3842, May 2024.
Iqra Hameed and Insoo Koo, "Enhancing Throughput in IoT Networks: The Impact of Active RIS on Wireless Powered Communication Systems", Electronics, vol. 13, no. 7, p.1402, April 2024.
Hwang Taewoong, Young-Doo Lee, Ki-Woong Park, and Insoo Koo, "전력선 통신과 비컨을 활용한 선박 건조 현장의 작업자 위치 추적 시스템 (Worker Location Tracking System of Shipyard using Power Line Communication and Beacon)", 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 41-49, April 2024.
Shafi Ullah Khan, Sana Ullah Jan, Hwang Taewoong, and Insoo Koo, "Hybrid Wi-Fi and PLC Network for Efficient e-health Communication in Hospitals: A Prototype", Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 1400-1410, April 2024.
Carla E. Gracia, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo, "ACO-Based Scheme in Edge Learning NOMA Networks for Task-Oriented Communications", IEEE Access, vol. 12, p. 37692-37701, March 2024.
Shafi Ullah Khan, Carla E. Gracia, Taewoong Hwang, and Insoo Koo, "Radio Environment Map Construction Based on Privacy-Centric Federated Learning", IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 28109-28121, Feb. 2024.
Raihan Uddin and Insoo Koo,"Real-Time Patient Monitoring: A Review of Biosensors Integrated with Multi-Hop IoT Systems via Cloud Connectivity", Applied Sciences, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 1876, Feb. 2024.
Mario R. Camana, Carla E. Gracia, and Insoo Koo, "Beamforming Optimization with the Assistance of Deep Learning in a Rate-Splitting Multiple-Access Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer System with a Power Beacon", Electronics, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 872, February 2024.
Iqra Hameed and Insoo Koo, "Max-Min Throughput Optimization in WPCNs: A Hybrid Active/Passive IRS-Assisted Scheme", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, 2024, pp. 1123-1140, Jan. 2024.
S. U. Khan, S. U. Jan, and I. Koo," Robust Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Long Short-Term Memory and Feature Fusion of Compressed Time–Frequency EEG Images" Sensors, vol. 23, no. 23, p. 9572, Dec. 2023.
T. Aziz, M. R. Camana, C. E. Garcia, T. Hwang, and I. Koo, “REM-Based Indoor Localization with an Extra-Trees Regressor,” Electronics, vol. 12, no. 20, p. 4350, Oct. 2023.
S. U. Khan, T.Hwang, and I. Koo,"Bridging the Connectivity Gap within a PLC and Wi-Fi Hybrid Network", The International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 395-402, Sep. 2023.
Md. N. Hasan and I. Koo, “Mixed-Input Deep Learning Approach to Sleep/Wake State Classification by Using EEG Signals,” Diagnostics, vol. 13, no. 14, p. 2358, Jul. 2023.
C. E. García and I. Koo, “Extremely Randomized Trees Regressor Scheme for Mobile Network Coverage Prediction and REM Construction,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 65170–65180, Jun. 2023.
Md. N. Hasan, S. U. Jan, and I. Koo, “Wasserstein GAN-Based Digital Twin-Inspired Model for Early Drift Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 13327–13339, Jun. 2023.
M. R. Camana, C. E. Garcia, T. Hwang, and I. Koo, “A REM Update Methodology Based on Clustering and Random Forest,” Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 5362, Apr. 2023.
T. Hwang, M. R. Camana, C. E. Garcia, and I. Koo, “Estimating Indoor Radio Environment Maps with Mobile Robots and Machine Learning,” the International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 92-100, Mar. 2023.
Iqra Hameed, Mario R. Camana, Pham-Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo. "Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Sum-Rate Maximization in Cognitive Radio Enabled Wireless Powered Communication Network," IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2023, pp. 16021 - 16031.
C. E. Garcia, M. R. Camana, and I. Koo, "Ensemble Learning aided QPSO–Based Framework for Secrecy Energy Efficiency in FD CR-NOMA Systems," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Oct. 2022.
M. R. Camana, C. E. Garcia, and I. Koo, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access in a MISO SWIPT System Assisted by an Intelligent Reflecting Surface," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Aug. 2022.
M. R. Camana, C. E. Garcia, and I. Koo, "Deep Learning-Assisted Power Minimization in Underlay MISO-SWIPT Systems Based On Rate-Splitting Multiple Access", IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 62137–62156, 2022.
Shahnaz TayebiHaghighi, and Insoo Koo, "Sensor Fault Diagnosis Using a Machine Fuzzy Lyapunov-Based Computed Ratio Algorithm." Sensors 22, no. 8 (2022): 2974.
C. E. Garcia, M. R. Camana, and I. Koo, “Low-Complexity PSO-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for Cooperative Non-Linear SWIPT-Enabled NOMA,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 34207–34220, 2022.
Vladimir Shakhov, Andrei Materukhin, Olga Sokolova, and Insoo Koo. "Optimizing Urban Air Pollution Detection Systems." Sensors, 22(13), 4767, 2022
S. U. Khan, N. Alam, S. U. Jan, and I. S. Koo, “IoT-Enabled Vehicle Speed Monitoring System,” Electronics, vol. 11, no. 4, p. 614, Feb. 2022.
H. T. Thien, P.-V. Tuan, and I. Koo, “A Secure-Transmission Maximization Scheme for SWIPT Systems Assisted by an Intelligent Reflecting Surface and Deep Learning,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 31851–31867, 2022.
Md. Niaz Morshedul Haque and Insoo Koo. "TSCH-Based Scheduling of IEEE 802.15.4e in Coexistence with Interference Network Cluster: A DNN Approach," International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol. 14, No. 1, 2022, pp. 53-63.
Md. Niaz Morshedul Haque, Young-Doo Lee, and Insoo Koo. "Deep Learning-Based Scheduling Scheme for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH Network," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, pp. 1–17, Mar. 2022.
Pham Duy Thanh, Tran Nhut Khai Hoan, Hoang Thi Huong Giang, and Insoo Koo. "Packet Delivery Maximization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Transmission Scheduling for Industrial Cognitive Radio Systems", IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021, pp. 146492 - 146508.
Iqra Hameed, Pham-Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo. "Deep Learning–Based Energy Beamforming With Transmit Power Control in Wireless Powered Communication Networks," IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021, pp. 142795-142803.
Vladimir Shakhov, Olga Sokolova, and Insoo Koo. "On the Suitability of Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Edge Networks." Energies, 14(18), 5954, 2021.
Vladimir Shakhov, and Insoo Koo. "Analysis of a Network Stability-Aware Clustering Protocol for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks." IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 15, (2021), 12476-12477.
Vladimir Shakhov, and Insoo Koo. "Graph-based technique for survivability assessment and optimization of IoT applications." International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, vol. 23, 105-114 (2021).
Vladimir Shakhov, and Insoo Koo. "An Efficient Clustering Protocol for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks." Electronics, 10(1), 84, 2021.
Huynh Thanh Thien, Van-Hiep V, and Insoo Koo. "A Transfer Games Actor–Critic Learning Framework for Anti-Jamming in Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks", IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021, 47887 - 47900.
Carla E. García, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Relay selection and power allocation for secrecy sum rate maximization in underlying cognitive radio with cooperative relaying NOMA." Neurocomputing (2021).
Carla E. García, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Machine learning-based scheme for multi-class fault detection in turbine engine disks." ICT Express, vol. 7, no. 1, (2021), 15-22.
Hoang Thi Huong Giang , Pham Duy Thanh, and Insoo Koo. "Deep Q-learning-based resource allocation for solar-powered users in cognitive radio networks" ICT Express, vol. 7, no. 1, (2021), 49-59.
Hoang Thi Huong Giang, Tran Nhut Khai Hoan and Insoo Koo. "Uplink NOMA-based long-term throughput maximization scheme for cognitive radio networks: an actor–critic reinforcement learning approach". Wireless Networks 27, 1319-1334 (2021).
Iqra Hameed, Pham-Viet Tuan, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Optimal Energy Beamforming to Minimize Transmit Power in a Multi-Antenna Wireless Powered Communication Network." Electronics 10, no. 4 (2021): 509.
Qunag Vinh Do and Insoo Koo. "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Spectrum Competition in Green Cognitive Virtualized Networks". IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021, 52193 - 52201.
Sana Ullah Jan, Young Doo Lee, and Insoo Koo. "A distributed sensor-fault detection and diagnosis framework using machine learning." Information Sciences 547 (2021): 777-796.
Shahnaz TayebiHaghighi and Insoo Koo. "SVM-Based Bearing Anomaly Identification with Self-Tuning Network-Fuzzy Robust Proportional Multi Integral and Smart Autoregressive Model". Applied Sciences 11, no. 6 (2021):2784.
Umer Saeed, Young-Doo Lee, Sana Ullah Jan, and Insoo Koo. "CAFD: Context-Aware Fault Diagnostic Scheme towards Sensor Faults Utilizing Machine Learning." Sensors 21, no. 2 (2021): 617.
Umer Saeed, Sana Ullah Jan, Young-Doo Lee, and Insoo Koo. "Fault diagnosis based on extremely randomized trees in wireless sensor networks." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 205 (2021): 107284.
Acosta, Mario R. Camana, Carla Estefania Garcia Moreta, and Insoo Koo. "Joint Power Allocation and Power Splitting for MISO-RSMA Cognitive Radio Systems With SWIPT and Information Decoder Users." IEEE Systems Journal (2020).
Acosta, Mario R. Camana, Saeed Ahmed, Carla García, and Insoo Koo. "Extremely randomized trees-based scheme for stealthy cyber-attack detection in smart grid networks." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 19921-19933.
Acosta, Mario R. Camana, Pham Viet Tuan, Carla García, and Insoo Koo. "Joint power allocation and power splitting for MISO SWIPT RSMA systems with energy-constrained users." Wireless Networks 26, no. 3 (2020): 2241-2254.
Carla García, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Joint Beamforming and Artificial Noise Optimization for Secure Transmissions in MISO-NOMA Cognitive Radio System with SWIPT." Electronics 9, no. 11 (2020): 1948.
Carla García, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Secure Computation Efficiency Maximization in a Power Beacon-Assisted Wireless-Powered Mobile Edge Computing NOMA System." Energies 13, no. 21 (2020): 5540.
Carla García, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Secrecy Energy Efficiency Maximization in an Underlying Cognitive Radio–NOMA System with a Cooperative Relay and an Energy-Harvesting User." Applied Sciences 10, no. 10 (2020): 3630.
Carla García, Pham Viet Tuan, Mario R. Camana, and Insoo Koo. "Optimized Power Allocation for a Cooperative NOMA System with SWIPT and an Energy-Harvesting User." International Journal of Electronics (2020): 1-30.
Hameed, Iqra, Pham-Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo. "Exploiting a Deep Neural Network for Efficient Transmit Power Minimization in a Wireless Powered Communication Network." Applied Sciences 10, no. 13 (2020): 4622.
Giang, Hoang Thi Huong, Tran Nhut Khai Hoan, Pham Duy Thanh, and Insoo Koo. "Hybrid NOMA/OMA-Based Dynamic Power Allocation Scheme Using Deep Reinforcement Learning in 5G Networks." Applied Sciences 10, no. 12 (2020): 4236.
Pham Duy Thanh,Tran Nhut Khai Hoan,Hoang Thi Huong Giang, and Insoo Koo. "Cache-Enabled Data Rate Maximization for Solar-Powered UAV Communication Systems", Electronics 9(11), 2020.
Thien, Huynh Thanh, Pham-Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo. "Deep Learning-Based Approach to Fast Power Allocation in SISO SWIPT Systems with a Power-Splitting Scheme." Applied Sciences 10, no. 10 (2020): 3634.
Thien, Huynh Thanh, Van-Hiep Vu, and Insoo Koo. "Game Theory-Based Smart Mobile-Data Offloading Scheme in 5G Cellular Networks." Applied Sciences 10, no. 7 (2020): 2327.
Tuan, Pham Viet, Pham Ngoc Son, Tran Trung Duy, Sang Quang Nguyen, Van Quang Binh Ngo, Vinh Do Quang, and Insoo Koo. "Optimizing a Secure Two-Way Network with Non-Linear SWIPT, Channel Uncertainty, and a Hidden Eavesdropper." Electronics 9, no. 8 (2020): 1222.
Tuan, Pham Viet, and Insoo Koo. "User-centric harvested energy-efficiency maximisation for secure SWIPT transmissions." International Journal of Electronics 107, no. 6 (2020): 985-1014.
Tuan, Pham Viet, and Insoo Koo. "Distributed ADMM-based approach for total harvested power maximization in non-linear SWIPT system." Wireless Networks 26, no.2 (2020): 1357-1371.
양재완, 이영두, and 구인수. "딥 러닝 기반 실시간 센서 고장 검출 기법." 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 20, no. 1: 163-169 (2020).
Huma Ghafoor, and Insoo Koo. "Cognitive Routing in Software-Defined Maritime Networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2020.
Tuan, Pham Viet, and Insoo Koo. "Optimizing Efficient Energy Transmission on a SWIPT Interference Channel Under Linear/Nonlinear EH Models." IEEE Systems Journal 14, no. 1 (2019): 457-468.
Pham Duy Thanh, T. N. K. Hoan and I. Koo, "Joint Resource Allocation and Transmission Mode Selection Using a POMDP-based Hybrid Half-duplex/Full-duplex Scheme for Secrecy Rate Maximization in Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks," in IEEE Sensors Journal. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2958966.
Q. V. Do and I. Koo, "A Transfer Deep Q-Learning Framework for Resource Competition in Virtual Mobile Networks With Energy-Harvesting Base Stations," in IEEE Systems Journal. doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2958993.
Carla García, M. R. C. Acosta and I. Koo, "Prediction of Digital Terrestrial Television Coverage Using Machine Learning Regression," in IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (2019).
S. U. Jan, S. Ahmed, V. Shakhov and I. Koo, "Toward a Lightweight Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 42450~42471 (2019).
Lee, Gyu-Hyung, Young-Doo Lee, and In-Soo Koo. "An RNN-based Fault Detection Scheme for Digital Sensor." The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 19(1), 29~35 (2019).
Do, Quang Vinh, Van Hiep Vu, and Insoo Koo. "An efficient bandwidth allocation scheme for hierarchical cellular networks with energy harvesting: an actor-critic approach." International Journal of Electronics, 1~24 (2019).
Pham Duy Thanh, Tran Nhut Khai Hoan, Hiep Vu-Van, and Insoo Koo. "Efficient attack strategy for legitimate energy-powered eavesdropping in tactical cognitive radio networks." Wireless Networks, 25(6), 3605~3622 (2019).
Hoang Thi Huong Giang, Tran Nhut Khai Hoan, Pham Duy Thanh, and Insoo Koo. "A POMDP‐based long‐term transmission rate maximization for cognitive radio networks with wireless‐powered ambient backscatter." International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(12), e3993~e3993 (2019).
Q. V. Do, T. Hoan and I. Koo, "Optimal Power Allocation for Energy-Efficient Data Transmission Against Full-Duplex Active Eavesdroppers in Wireless Sensor Networks," in IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (13), 5333~5346, July 1, 2019.
Ghafoor, Huma, and Insoo Koo. "Infrastructure-aided hybrid routing in CR-VANETs using a Bayesian Model." Wireless Networks, 25(4), 1711~1729 (2019).
Khan, Muhammad Sajjad, Muhammad Jibran, Insoo Koo, Su Min Kim, and Junsu Kim. "A Double Adaptive Approach to Tackle Malicious Users in Cognitive Radio Networks." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019(1), 1~9 (2019).
Vu, Van-Hiep, Huynh Thanh Thien, and Insoo Koo. "A Repeated Games-Based Secure Multiple-Channels Communications Scheme for Secondary Users with Randomly Attacking Eavesdroppers." Applied Sciences, 9(5), 868~868 (2019).
Camana, Mario R., Pham Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo. "Optimised power allocation for a power beacon-assisted SWIPT system with a power-splitting receiver." International Journal of Electronics, 106(3), 415~439 (2019).
Pham Duy Thanh, Hiep Vu-Van, and Insoo Koo. "Secure multi-hop data transmission in cognitive radio networks under attack in the physical layer." Wireless Personal Communications, 103(2), 1615~1631 (2018).
Rahman, Md, YoungDoo Lee, and Insoo Koo. "Joint relay selection and power allocation through a genetic algorithm for secure cooperative cognitive radio networks." Sensors, 18(11), (2018).
Tuan, Pham-Viet, and Insoo Koo. "Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer Solutions for Energy-Harvesting Fairness in Cognitive Multicast Systems." IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences 101(11), 1988~1992 (2018).
Hoang Thi Huong Giang, Hiep Vu-Van, and Insoo Koo. "POMDP-Based Throughput Maximization for Cooperative Communications Networks with Energy-Constrained Relay under Attack in the Physical Layer." Applied Sciences 8(10), (2018): 1828.
Shah, Hurmat Ali, and Insoo Koo. "Reliable Machine Learning Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018 (2018).
Ali Shah, Hurmat, and Insoo Koo. "Optimal multi-threshold quantization scheme for bioinformatics inspired cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks." International Journal of Electronics, 105(12) , 2082~2098, 2018.
Jan, Sana Ullah, and Insoo Koo. "A Novel Feature Selection Scheme and a Diversified-Input SVM-Based Classifier for Sensor Fault Classification." Journal of Sensors 2018 (2018).
Rahman, Md, YoungDoo Lee, and Insoo Koo. "Energy-efficient power allocation and relay selection schemes for relay-assisted D2D communications in 5g wireless networks." Sensors, 18(9), (2018).
Hoan TNK, Vu-Van Hiep, Insoo Koo. “Joint Full-Duplex/Half-Duplex Transmission-Switching Scheduling and Transmission-Energy Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy Harvesting”. SENSORS, 18(7), 2295~2295 (2018).
Vladimir Shakhov, Insoo Koo, “Depletion-of-Battery Attack: Specificity, Modelling and Analysis”. SENSORS, 18(6), 1~20 (2018).
Hurmat Ali Shah, Insoo Koo “A Novel Physical Layer Security Scheme in OFDM-based Cognitive Radio Networks”. IEEE ACCESS, 6(), 29486~29498 (2018).
Saeed Ahmed, YoungDoo Lee, Seung-Ho Hyun and Insoo Koo, “Covert Cyber Assault Detection in Smart Grid Networks Utilizing Feature Selection and Euclidean Distance-Based Machine Learning”. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 8(5), 0~0 (2018).
이규형, 이영두, 구인수, “인지 무선 시스템에서 웨이블릿 패킷 분해를 이용한서포트 벡터 머신 기반 스펙트럼 센싱”, 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지, 18(2), 81~88 (2018).
양재완, 이영두, 구인수, “딥 러닝 및 서포트 벡터 머신기반 센서 고장 검출 기법”, 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지, 18(2), 185~195 (2018).
Quang Do-Vinh, Tran-Nhut-Khai Hoan, Insoo Koo, “Energy-Efficient Data Encryption Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks”. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 18(5), 2050~2059 (2018).
Huma Ghafoor, Insoo Koo “CR-SDVN: A Cognitive Routing Protocol for Software-Defined Vehicular Networks. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 18(4), 1761~1772 (2018).
후인 탄 티엔, 부반히엡, 구인수, “Implementation of Spectrum Sensing with Video Transmission for Cognitive Radio using USRP with GNU Radio,” The International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IJIBC), 10(1), 1~10 (2018).
Vinh Quang Do, INSOO KOO, "Learning Frameworks for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Energy-efficient Data Protection in Cognitive Radio Networks," APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 8(5), 722~722 (2018).
Saeed Ahmed, YoungDoo Lee, Seung Ho Hyun, Insoo Koo, "Feature Selection–Based Detection of Covert Cyber Deception Assaults in Smart Grid Communications Networks using Machine Learning," IEEE ACCESS, 6(), 27518~27529 (2018).
후인 탄 티엔, 땅당 르네, 부반히엡, 구인수, “Implementation of Spectrum-Sensing for Cognitive Rafdios using USRP with GNU Radio and a Cloud Server,” Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, 16(1), 23~30 (2018).
Khan, Muhammad, and Insoo Koo, Dynamic Spectrum Tracking Through Quickest Detection Techniques: A Clustered Approach, Jan. 2019.
Sana Ullah Jan, Van-Hiep Vu and Insoo Koo, “Throughput Maximization using an SVM for Multi-Class Hypothesis-based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio,” APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 8(3), 421~421 (2018).
Pham-Duy Thanh, Hiep Vu-Van, Insoo Koo, "Efficient Channel Selection and Routing Algorithm for Multi-hop, Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy Harvesting under Jamming Attacks,” Security and Communication Networks, 2018(1), 1~13 (2018).
Van Hiep Vu, Insoo Koo, “Joint Attack-Defense Strategy Based on Game Theory for Cognitive Devices in Covert Communication Networks,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 101(2), 544~548 (2018).
Pham Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo, “Robust Secure Transmit Design for SWIPT System with Many Types of Wireless Users and Passive Eavesdropper,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 101(2), 441~450 (2018).
Pham Viet Tuan, and Insoo Koo, "Efficient Transceiver Design for Large-Scale SWIPT System with Time-Switching and Power-Splitting Receivers," IEICE Trans. on Comm. 101(7), 1744~1751 (2018).
가푸르 후마, 구인수, “Infrastructure-aided Hybrid Routing in CR-VANETs using a Bayesian Model,” Wireless Networks, on-line.
구인수, 도 빈 쾅, 쩐 눗 카이 호안, “Energy-Efficient Data Encryption Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 18(5), 2050~2059 (2018).
가푸르 후마, 구인수, “CR-SDVN: A Cognitive Routing Protocol for Software-Defined Vehicular Networks,” IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 18(4), 1761~1772 (2018).
Saeed Ahmed, Young Doo Lee, Seung Ho Hyun, and Insoo Koo, “A Cognitive Radio-Based Energy Efficient System for Power Transmission Line Monitoring in Smart Grids”. JOURNAL OF SENSORS, 2017(1), 1~12 (2017).
Huma Ghafoor, Insoo Koo, “Cognitive Routing in Software-defined Underwater Acoustic Networks”. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 7(12), 1~20 (2017).
Vladimir V. Shakhov, Insoo Koo, “Experiment Design for Parameter Estimation in Probabilistic Sensing Models”. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 17(24), 8431~8437 (2017).
Huma Ghafoor, Youngtae Noh, Insoo Koo, “OFDM-based spectrum-aware routing in underwater cognitive acoustic networks”. IET Communications, 11(17), 2613~2620 (2017).
Pham Viet Tuan and Insoo Koo, “Robust Weighted Sum Harvested Energy Maximization for SWIPT Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Particle Swarm Optimization”. SENSORS, 17(10), 1~12 (2017).
Quang Do Vinh, Insoo Koo, “FPGA Implementation of LSB-based Steganography”, Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, 15(3), 151~159 (2017).
Pham Viet Tuan and Insoo Koo “Optimal Multiuser MISO Beamforming for Power-Splitting SWIPT Cognitive Radio Networks”. IEEE ACCESS, 5(1), 14141~14153 (2017).
YoungDoo Lee, Sana Ullah Jan and Insoo Koo, “블루투스 스마트 기반의 내비게이팅 시스템”. 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지, 17(1), 69~76 (2017).
Md Arifur Rahman, Youngdoo Lee and Insoo Koo, “EECOR: An Energy-Efficient Cooperative Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks”. IEEE ACCESS, 5(1), 14119~14132 (2017) (SCI).
Hiep Vu-Van and Insoo Koo, “Throughput Maximization for Cognitive Radio Users with Energy Constraints in an Underlay Paradigm”. Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, 15(2), 79~84 (2017).
Sana Ullah Jan, Young-Doo Lee, Jungpil Shin and Insoo Koo, "Sensor Fault Classification Based on Support Vector Machine and Statistical Time-Domain Features". IEEE ACCESS, 5(0), 8682~8690 (2017) (SCI).
Tran Nhut Khai Hoan and Insoo Koo, "Multi-slot Spectrum Sensing Schedule and Transmitted Energy Allocation in Harvested Energy Powered Cognitive Radio Networks under Secrecy Constraints". IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(7), 2231~2240 (2017) (SCI).
Md Arifur Rahman, Youngdoo Lee and Insoo Koo, "An adaptive network allocation vector timer-based carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance medium access control protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 13(1), 1~14, (2017) (SCI-E).
Thanh-Tung Nguyen, Hiep Vu-Van and Insoo Koo, “Data Capture of Cognitive Radio–based Red Network by a Blue Network in Tactical Wireless Networks,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(1), 205-214 (2017) (SCI).
T.N.K. Hoan, Hiep Vu Van and Insoo Koo, “Optimizing Sensing Scheduling for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, E100B(5), 884~892 (2017) (SCI).
Muhammad Sajjad Khan, Muhammad Usman, Hiep Vu-Van, Koo Insoo, “Efficient Selection of Users' pair in Cognitive Radio Network to Maximize Throughput using Simultaneous Transmit-sense Approach”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, 100(2), 380~389 (2017). (SCI).
Ahmed, Saeed; Usman, Muhammad; Koo, Insoo, "Sensor Node Selection-Based Lifetime Maximization in Sensor Network Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks," Advanced Science Letters, Volume 22, Number 9, September 2016, pp. 2432-2437(6).
Md Arifur Rahman, Young-Doo Lee, Insoo Koo, “Low Complexity Timer-based Multi Relay Selection and Sequential Power Allocation of Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks for Future Internet of Things” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol 12, Issue 9, pp. 2016. (SCI-E).
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo Koo, “A Fast Malicious User Detection Scheme Based on POMDP for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio networks”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 10(6), pp.2317-2325, 2016. (SCI).
Huma Ghafoor, Youngtae Noh, and Insoo Koo, “Belief Propagation-based Cognitive Routing in Maritime Ad Hoc Networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2016, No. 7635206, pp.1~10, 2016. (SCI-E).
Pham Viet Tuan and Koo Insoo, “ Throughput Maximization by Optimizing Adaptive Detection Thresholds in Full-duplex Cognitive Radio Network”, IET Communications, Vol.10, No.11, pp.1355~1364, 2016. (SCI).
Hoan Tran, Hiep Vu Van and Insoo Koo, “Multichannel-Sensing Scheduling and Transmission-Energy Optimizing in Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy Harvesting,” SENSORS, Vol.16, No.4, pp.1~17, 2016. (SCI-E).
Md Arifur Rahman, Young-Doo Lee, Insoo Koo, “An Efficient Transmission Mode Selection based on Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks,” Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, Vol.6, no.2, pp.1~14, 2016. (SCOPUS).
Huma Ghafoor, and Insoo Koo, “Spectrum-Aware Geographic Routing in Cognitive Vehicular Ad Hoc Network using a Kalman Filter,” Journal of Sensors, Volume 2016, Article ID 8572601, 10 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/8572601. (SCI-E).
Muhammad Usman, Dongsoo Har and Insoo Koo, “Energy-Efficient Infrastructure Sensor Network for Ad Hoc Cognitive Radio Network”, Vol. 16, No. 8, April 2016. (SCI-E).
Adil Mahmud, Youngdoo Lee and Insoo Koo, “An Efficient Cooperative Neighbor Discovery Framework of Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks for Future Internet of Things”, Wireless Personal Communications, accepted and to be appear. (SCI-E).
Hoan Tran and Insoo Koo, “POMDP-based sensing scheduling for decentralized cognitive radio networks with awareness of channel switching delay and imperfect sensing”, IET Communications, Vol. 10, No.6, pp. 651-660, 2016. (SCI).
Thanh-Tung Nguyen, and Insoo Koo , Throughput Maximization for Sensor-Aided Cognitive Radio Network with Continuous Energy Arrivals,” SENSORS, Vol. 2015, No. 15, pp. 29782 ~ 29801, November, 2015. (SCI-E).
Thanh-Tung Nguyen, and Insoo Koo , “Sensor Clustering and Sensing Technology for Optimal Throughput of Sensor Aided-Cognitive Radio Networks Supporting Multiple Licensed Channels,” Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol.2015, Article ID 123982, Oct. 2015. (SCI-E).
Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Sajjad, Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo Koo. “Energy-Efficient Channel Handoff for Sensor Network-Assisted Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Network,” SENSORS, Vol. 2015, No. 15, August, 2015. (SCI-E).
Sana Ullah Jan, Youngdoo Lee, and Insoo Koo. “Modeling and Analysis of DIPPM, a New Modulation Scheme for Visible Light Communications,” Journal of Sensors, Vol.2015, Article ID 963296, July 2015. (SCI-E).
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO, “Energy-Efficient and Throughput Maximization Scheme for Sensor-Aided Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMM., Vol. E98-B, No.10, pp.1996~2003, 2015. (SCI).
Pham Viet Tuan and insoo Koo, “Throughput Maximization for Secondary User under Battery Imperfections in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Sensors, Vol. 15, No.10, pp. 5616~ 5623, 2015. (SCI).
Muhammad Usman, Insoo Koo, “Secure Cooperative Spectrum Sensing via a Novel User-Classification Scheme in Cognitive Radios for Future Communication Technologies,” SYMMETRY Journal, Vol.2015, No.7, pp. 675~688 (SCI-E).
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO, “Optimal Reporting Order for Superposition Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, Vol. A-98, No.06, June 2015. (SCI-E).
Muhammad Sajjad and insoo Koo, “An Enhanced Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Based on New Rule of Combining Evidences in Cognitive Radio,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 331, Book ISBN: 978-94-017-9617-0.
Hurmat A Shah, Muhammad Usman, and insoo Koo, “Bioinformatics-Inspired Quantized Hard Combination based Abnormality Detection for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 4, April 2015. (SCI-E).
Adil Mahmud, Youngdoo Lee, Insoo Koo, “A Fully Distributed Resource Allocation Mechanism for CRN without Using a Common Control Channel,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2015, Article ID 537078, June 2015 (SCI-E).
Nguyen-Thanh T Tung, and Insoo Koo, “Throughput of Primary User with Cognitive Radio and Energy Harvesting Functions,” KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS(SCI-E), VOL. 8, NO. 9, Sept. 2014 (SCI-E).
Nguyen-Thanh T Tung, and Insoo Koo , “Distortion – Aware Dynamic Channel Allocation for Multimedia Users in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E97-B,No.12,pp.-,Dec. 2014. (SCI).
Muhammad Usman, Insoo Koo, A Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based on Non-Uniform Reliability for Cognitive Radio Networks, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 101809, 10 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/101809. (SCI-E).
Youngdoo Lee, and Insoo Koo, " A RSS-based PU localization for a Underlay Model-based Spectrum Access in CRAHNs," “ KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS(SCI-E), VOL. 8, NO. 8, pp. 2663-2674, Aug. 2014 (SCI-E).
Muhammad Usman, Insoo Koo, “Access Strategy for Hybrid Underlay-Overlay Cognitive Radios with Energy Harvesting”, IEEE Sensor, VOL. 14, NO. 9, pp. 3173- 3164, SEPTEMBER 2014 (SCI-E).
Huma Ghafoor, Insoo Koo, and Nasir-ud-Din Gohar, “Neighboring and Connectivity – Aware Routing in VANETs,” The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 789247, 10 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/789247. (SCI-E).
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “Goodness-of-fit based Secure Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Network, ” The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 752507, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/752507. (SCI-E).
Thuc Kieu-Xuan, Sungsoo Choi and Insoo Koo “A Novel Blind Event Detection Method in Wireless Sensor Networks,“ Journal of Sensors, Volume 2014, Article ID 531254, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/531254 (SCI-E).
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “Wavelet Denoising based on Fuzzy for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network, ” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014, XXVIII.
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO, “Cluster-based Sequential Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Utilizing Reporting Framework for Cognitive Radios,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.9, No.3, 2014. (SCI-E).
Hiep Vu-Van and Insoo Koo, “OPTIMAL THROUGHPUT FOR COGNITIVE RADIO WITH ENERGY HARVESTING IN FADING WIRELESS CHANNEL,” The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 370658, 7 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/370658 (SCI-E).
Md. Tahidul Islam and Insoo Koo “Intelligent Control Algorithm for Smart Grid Home Area Network “ Information journal, Vol.16, No.12(A), pp.8457-8462, December, 2013.
Hoang Anh and Insoo Koo “Primary user localization using Bayesian compressive sensing and path-loss exponent estimation for cognitive radio networks “ KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS(SCI-E), Vol.7, No.10, 2013. (SCI-E).
Md. Tahidul Islam and Insoo Koo “Compressed Sensing-Based Multi-layer Data Communication in Smart Grid Systems“ KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS(SCI-E), Vol.7, No.9, pp.2213-2231, Sept., 2013. (SCI-E).
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO “A Cluster-Based Selective Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Cognitive Radio,“ Eurasip JWCN (SCI-E), Vol.2013, No.176, pp.1~9, 2013. (SCI-E).
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO “Optimal Truncated Ordered Sequential Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio ,” IEEE Sensors, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp.4188~4195, 2013.
Youngdoo Lee, and Insoo Koo, "A distributed MAC protocol using virtual control channels for CRSNs", Wireless Personal Communications (SCI-E), Vol.72, No.2, pp.1012-1048, 2013.
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO “A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme using Adaptive Fuzzy System for Cognitive Radio Networks “INFORMATION SCIENCES (SCI),, Vol.220, No.1, pp.102-109.
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “Sequential Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme based on Cognitive User Reputation ”, IEEE Transactions on CE, Vol.58, No.4, pp.1147-1152.
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “Robust Hard Decision Combination Scheme based on Kullback-Leibler”, IEEJ Journal (SCI-E), Vol. 7, No. s1, pp.114-118.
Nguyen Thanh Nhan, Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO “Comments on ‘Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Using Goodness-of-Fit Testing“ IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol.11, No.10., pp.3409-3411.
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing using Kalman Filter based Adaptive Fuzzy System for Cognitive Radio Networks “ KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCI-E), Vol.6, N0.1, pp.287-304, January, 2012.
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “A Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence “ IEICE Trans. on Communication(SCI), Vol.E95-B No.4 pp.1286-1290, April, 2012.
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO “A Empirical Distribution-Based Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Approach Based on Evidence Theory “IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 2222-2228, June 2012.
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO “Application of Maximum-Distance Generalized Quantizer for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio”, IET Communications (SCI), Vol.6, No.1, pp.39-45, 2012.
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “A Malicious User Suppression Based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence for Cognitive Radio”, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol.5, No.6, pp.1133-1146, 2011. (SCI-E).
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Collaborative Users using Individual Sensing Credibility for Cognitive Radio Network”, IEEE Transactions on CE, Vol. 57, No.2, May, 2011. (SCI).
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO ” Log-likelihood Ratio Optimal Quantizer for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15, no.3, pp.317-319, 2011 (SCI).
Asaduzzaman, Hyung Yun Kong and Insoo Koo," Opportunistic Relaying based Spectrum Leasing for Cognitive Radio Networks," JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS, Vol.13, pp.50-55, 2011 (SCI).
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO “An adaptive cooperative spectrum sensing scheme using reinforcement learning for cognitive radio sensor networks ”, IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E94-B,No.05, May , 2011 (SCI).
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO,” A Collaborative Event Detection Scheme Using Fuzzy Logic in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks,” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communication (available online 23 June 2010), Volume 65, Issue 4, 2011 [This work was supported by KRF funded by MEST (Mid-Carrier Researcher Program 2010-0009661), (SCI-E).
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO, “Evidence Theory Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Efficient Quantization Method in Cognitive Radio”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 60, No. 1, 2011 (SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by KRF funded by MEST (KRF-2009-0063958 and Mid-Carrier Researcher Program 2010-0009661)] (SCI).
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO," An efficient ordered sequential cooperative spectrum sensing scheme based on evidence theory in Cognitive Radio," IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E93-B,No.12, December. 2010. (SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0017144)].
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO, ”A Censor-based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Using Fuzzy Logic for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks,” IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E93-B,No.12, December. 2010. (SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by KRF funded by MEST (Mid-Carrier Researcher Program 2010-0009661)].
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO,” An Efficient Weight-based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Cognitive Radio Systems,” IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E93-B,No.08, Aug. 2010.(SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by the 2009 Research Fund of University of Ulsan.].
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO,” An Efficient Weight-based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Cognitive Radio Systems,” IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E93-B,No.08, Aug. 2010.(SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by the 2009 Research Fund of University of Ulsan.].
Thuc Kieu-Xuan and Insoo KOO, " A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Using Fuzzy Logic for Cognitive Radio Networks ,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol.4, No.3, June, 2010 (SCI-E) [ACK : This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD) (KRF-2009-0063958).
Cong Tran-Xuan and Insoo KOO, " An RSS-Based Localization Scheme Using Direction Calibration and Reliability Factor Information for Wireless Sensor Networks,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol.4, No.1, February 2010 (SCI-E) [ACK : This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy and in part by Ulsan Metropolitan City through the Network-based Automation Research Center at the University of Ulsan. This paper was presented in part at the 2009 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology.].
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO, “A robust secure cooperative spectrum sensing based on evidence theory and robust statistics in cognitive radio,” IEICE Trans. On Communications, Vol.E92-B, No.12, December, 2009 (SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD) (KRF-2009-0063958).]
Hiep-Vu Van and Insoo KOO, "A Novel Cluster-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Double Adaptive Energy Thresholds and Multi-Bit Local Decision in Cognitive Radio,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol.3, No.5, pp.461-474, October 2009 (SCI-E).
Nguyen Thanh Nhan and Insoo KOO, “An Enhanced Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Based on Evidence Theory and Reliability Source Evaluation in Cognitive Radio Context,” IEEE Comm. Letters, Vol.13, No.7, pp.492-494, July, 2009 (SCI) [ACK : This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (KRF-2009-0063958). ]
Cong TRAN-Xuan, Eunchan KIM, and Insoo KOO, “An Efficient RSS-based Localization Scheme with Calibration in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.E91-B, No.12, pp.4013~4016, Dec., 2008 (SCI).
S.Choi, I.Koo, and Y.Kim, "Implementation and performance analysis of noncoherent uwb transceiver under LOS residential channel environment," LNCS 4682, pp.1345-1356, Sept., 2007.
Dmitry Kramarev, Insoo Koo, Kiseon Kim, "Type-based detection with a fusion center performing the sequential test in wireless sensor networks" IEICE Trans. on Communication, vol. E90-B, No.12, pp.3354-3361, Dec., 2007 (SCI).
I.Koo, J. Yang, K. Kim, "Erlang capacity analysis of CDMA system supporting voice and delay-tolerant data services under the delay constraint," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol.56, No.4, pp.2375~2385, Sept., 2007 (SCI).
I.Koo, J. Yang, K. Kim,, "Delay distribution of data calls in Integrated Voice/Data CDMA Systems," IEICE Trans. on Communication, vol. E90-B, No.3, pp.668-671, March, 2007 (SCI).
S. Bae, I. Koo, K. Kim, "Empirical Detection Strategy based on Histogram Information in Wireless Sensor Networks," GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, pp.198-209, Vol.36, No.1, Jan., 2007.
Dmitry Kramarev, Insoo Koo, Kiseon Kim, "Sequential Approach for Type-based Detection in Wireless Sensor Network," lecture notes in computer science, vol.4325, pp.782-792, Dec., 2006 (SCI).
I. Koo and K. Kim, "Erlang capacity of multi-access systems supporting voice and data services with the limited number of channel element," IEICE Trans. on Comm., pp.3065-3074, Nov., 2006. (SCI).
I. Koo, "Performance Analysis of Random Access Channel with Binary Exponential Back-off in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Systems," GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, pp.71-82, Vol.28, No.1, Feb. 2006.
I. Koo, J. Yang and K. Kim, "An Approximate Analysis Method of Erlang Capacity for CDMA Systems with Multiple Sectors," GESTS International Transactions on Communication and Signal Processing, pp.167-177, Vol. 4, No.1, Feb. 2006.
H. Kang, S.Sung, I. Koo, and K. Kim, "On Blocking Probability of Multi-Beam CDMA Systems Using SBF ," Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 87-98, vol. 35, Oct., 2005 (SCI-E).
S. Shin, S. Bahng, I. Koo, K. Kim, "QoS-Oriented Packet Scheduling Scheme for Real-time Traffics in OFDMA Systems" Lecture Note in Computer Sciences, Vol. 3421, April, 2005 (SCI-E).
I. Koo, J. Yang, and K.Kim, "Erlang Capacity of CDMA Systems Supporting Voice and Delay-tolerant Data Services Under the Delay Constraint," ICN'2005, LNCS 3421, April. 2005. (SCI-E).
H. Kang, I. Koo, and K. Kim, "Performance of Cellular CDMA Systems Using SBF and TBF Array Antennas Under Multi-Cell Environment," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, Vol.E87-A, No.12, 3447-3451, Dec., 2004. (SCI-E).
I. Koo, A.Furuskar, J. Zander and K. Kim, "Erlang Capacity of Multi-Access Systems with Service-based Access Selection," IEEE Communication letters, Vol. 8, No. 11, Nov., 2004 (SCI).
J. Yang, I. Koo, Y. Choi, Y. Kim, J. Ahn, and K. Kim, "Dynamic Resource Allocation Scheme in Multi-service CDMA Systems," IEICE Trans. on Communications, pp. 2634-2637, Vol.E87-B, No.9, Sept., 2004. (SCI).
I. Koo, A.Furuskar, J. Zander and K. Kim, "Erlang Capacity Analysis of Multi-Access Systems Supporting Voice and Data Services," PWC, LNCS 3260, pp.69-78, Sept., 2004. (SCI-E).
I. Koo, S. Shin, K. Kim, "A Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for 1xEV-DO-like Systems," HSNMC'2004, LNCS 3079, pp. 885-893, June, 2004(SCI-E).
I. Koo, K. Kim and J. Zander., “A Power-allocation-combined Scheduling Algorithm for CDMA-based High-rate Packet Data Systems,” Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, Vol. 2957 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science., pp. 225-235, Springer-Verlag. Feb., 2004 (SCI-E).
I. Koo, S. Bang and K. Kim, "Performance of Reservation in Call Admission Control Schemes for CDMA Systems with Non-uniform Traffic Distribution among Cells," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (IJWIN), pp.159-163, Vol.10, No.3, July 2003.
I. Koo, A. Ahmad and K. Kim, "Erlang Capacity of CDMA Systems Using Optimized Sectoring," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (IJWIN), pp.105-110, Vol.10, No.2, April 2003.
I. Koo, S. Bang and K. Kim, "QoS-Sensitive Admission Policy for Non-Real-Time Data Packets in Voice/Data Integrated CDMA Systems," Computer Communications, pp.1419-1425, Vol.26, Issue 12, July 2003. (SCI-E).
J. Yang, I. Koo, Y. Choi and K. Kim, "Capacity of DS/CDMA Systems Supporting Heterogeneous Traffics with ON/OFF Activity," IEICE Trans. on Communications, pp.2087-2093, Vol.E86-B, No.7, July 2003. (SCI).
I. Koo, Y. Lee and K. Kim, "Performance Analysis of CDMA Systems with Adaptive Modulation Scheme," IEICE Trans. on Communications, pp.79-87, Vol.E86-B, No.1, January 2003. (SCI).
I. Koo, J. Yang, A. Ahmad and K. Kim, "Improved Erlang Capacity of Combined Carrier Channel Assignment for Hybrid FDMA/CDMA Systems Supporting Voice and Circuit-switched Data Services," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.7, No. 2, pp.61-63, February 2003. (SCI).
I. Koo, J. Yang, A. Ahmad and K. Kim, "Erlang Capacity Analysis of Hybrid FDMA/CDMA Systems Supporting Multi-class Services According to Channel Assignment Methods," International Journal of Communication Systems, pp.867-880, Vol.15, No.10, pp.867-880, 2002. (SCI-E).
I. Koo, J. Yang and K. Kim, "Two Traffic Parameters Efficiently to Approximate the Call Blocking Probability in CDMA Systems with 3 Sectors," IEICE Trans. on Communications, pp.849-853, Vol.E85-B, No.4, pp. 849-853, April 2002. (SCI).
I. Koo, E. Kim and K. Kim, "Erlang Capacity of Voice/Data DS-CDMA Systems with Prioritized Services," IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E85-B, No.4, pp.716-726, April 2001. (SCI).
I. Koo, J. Yang and K. Kim, "Analysis of Erlang Capacity for Voice/Data DS-CDMA Systems with the Limited Number of Channel Elements," IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E85-B, No.3, pp.527-528, March 2001. (SCI).
I. Koo, J. Yang and K. Kim, "Analysis of Erlang Capacity for the Multimedia DS-CDMA Systems with the Limited Number of Channel Elements," IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E84-B, No.12, December 2000. (SCI).
I. Koo, G. Ko, Y. Choi and K. Kim, "Sensitivity of the System Capacity with Respect to the System Reliability in a DS-CDMA Cellular System," IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E84-B, No.3, March 2000. (SCI).
I. Koo, J. Lee, J. Ahn and K. Kim, "Analysis of Erlang Capacity for the Multimedia DS-CDMA systems," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals., Vol.E83-A, No.5, May 1999. (SCI-E).